Get excited Critters, an official Critical Role campaign from the publishers of Dungeons & Dragons is on the way. Wizards of the Coast and Critical Role are partnering on a brand new book, Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep.
Critical Role‘s live play series serves as the inspiration for this new collaboration. DM Matthew Mercer helped with the design of the game. This campaign will make the first big adventure to take place in the world of Exandria.
“Getting to bring a direct adventure book within Exandria to life is really such an exciting thing, especially exploring ideas and elements I’ve never been able to bring to a campaign myself yet,” Mercer shared. “Working with such a talented team to develop and craft a tale like this is an absolute honor, and I cannot wait for folks to step into the unique mysteries and dark challenges that Call of the Netherdeep invites.”

Wizards of the Coast
The release offers even more insight into the gameplay of this Critical Role Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
Beginning in the Wastes of Xhorhas, Call of the Netherdeep leads adventurers to the glimmering oasis-city of Ank’Harel on the continent of Marquet, and from there into a sunken realm of gloom, corruption, and sorrow known as the Netherdeep—a terrifying cross between the Far Realm and the deep ocean. Above it all, the red moon of Ruidus watches, twisting the fates of those who have the power to shape the course of history. Fans will discover that the greed of mortals has awakened a powerful entity long thought destroyed, a mighty champion of the gods that has been imprisoned in the darkest depths of Exandria for eons, with his name and heroic deeds forgotten. Languishing in despair, he calls out for new heroes to save him.
An oasis city, a sunken real of gloom, a hero in need of saving? Sounds like a lot of fun to us. The book will contain seven chapters and will share new creatures, new items, and new mechanics. The campaign will also feature many thematic tie-ins to previous Critical Role campaigns. With an animated series on the way and now this excitement, it’s a great time to love Critical Role.
Call of the Netherdeep will release on March 15, 2022, for $49.95. In the meanwhile, we have to think about our characters. We need super special ones for this Critical Role D&D campaign.